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Latest Release

ONAP New Delhi

ONAP provides a comprehensive platform for real-time, policy-driven service orchestration and automation. ONAP enables service providers and developers to rapidly automate the instantiation and configuration of physical and virtual network functions and to support complete life cycle management activities. By unifying the resources of open source members, ONAP enables the acceleration of the development of a vibrant ecosystem around a globally shared architecture and the implementation of network automation faster than any product could on its own.

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New Delhi Release Highlights

Note:  See New Delhi release notes for a detailed list of updates.

ONAP is evolving. We took efforts in streamlining processes and roles and NewDelhi release is the first one with agreed simplified software development life cycle governance.

OpenSSF Gold Standard

We are proud to announce that first ONAP project achieved OpenSSF Gold standard. It will give ONAP consumers great confidence in the quality, security, and reliability of CPS.

Java 17

First ONAP projects (CCSDK, CPS, UUI and Policy) completed their upgrades to Java 17. Spring boot (uplift to v3.1.2) and OpenApi 3 upgrades were also performed. These upgrades allow benefits of patched vulnerabilities and software efficiencies in the latest versions.


ONAP CPS project continued efforts in improvement of read/write, query operations, and huge reduction of memory consumption allowing for improved query performance and improve stability.


Modeling project added provision of YANG modules automation tools, which helps improve the YANG development efficiency and check the version update of the YANG model.


OOM project team added support for Gateway-API in Ingress template (13.0.1) as well as support for mariadb-operator (13.0.2). All ONAP MariaDB instances will now be created with the latest version by default using the mariaDB-operator. Added Galera clients (e.g. SO, SDNC) will use access to “primary” pod to avoid “Deadlocks”. Additionally added default role creation to ServiceAccount for better access management.


SDC implemented-services update capability directly in yaml was added, more comprehensive support for defining behavior of interface operations and adaptability to define CSAR structure and content to suit the requirements of individual models.


CCSDK continued maintaining alignment with OpenDaylight release schedule by upgrading to OpenDaylight Argon version, Service Release 2. This allows latest ONAP user to make use of latest OpenDaylight software when they use latest release of ONAP.


We introduced new Portal-NG as a maintained alternative to the unmaintained Portal project. Allows ONAP user to make informed decisions on software use of maintained and unmaintained projects.

Documentation Sources

The formal ONAP ‘NewDelhi’ Release Documentation is available in ReadTheDocs.

The Developer Wiki remains a good source of information on meeting plans and notes from committees, project teams and community events.

OpenSSF Best Practice

ONAP has adopted the OpenSSF Best Practice Badge Program.

In the NewDelhi release,

  • 100% projects passed 95% of the OpenSSF badge
  • 94% passed the OpenSSF badge
  • 24% projects passed the OpenSSF Silver badge
  • 1 project passed the OpenSSF Gold badge

Project specific details are in the release notes for each component.

ONAP Maturity Testing Notes

For the ‘NewDelhi’ release, ONAP continues to improve in multiple areas of Scalability, Security, Stability and Performance (S3P) metrics.

More details in ONAP Integration Project

Known Issues and Limitations

Known Issues and limitations are documented in each project Release Notes.