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Light Reading: What Does Automation Mean to You?

By October 20, 2017In The News

With its promise of greater efficiencies and agility, automation is driving many network operator strategies these days — that much is evident from quantifiable industry research and from the very public announcements being made by the biggest names in the telecoms world.

The research was undertaken by Heavy Reading (the smart arm of the Light Reading empire): Operator respondents were asked to identify the three most important aspects of digital transformation, and 143 of the 150 service providers surveyed earlier this year cited process automation. Virtualization came in second with 130 votes. (See Process Automation Tops Carriers’ Goals for NFV.)

By that time, AT&T had already folded its ECOMP (Enhanced Control Orchestration, Management and Policy) code, developed during the past few years, into an open source project called ONAP, or Open Network Automation Platform — the name says it all. (See MANO Marriage: ECOMP, OPEN-O Converge as ONAP.)

Read more at Light Reading.